Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mila Kunis: The Black Swan rides the Swan Boats

As you may know, Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis have been in Boston filming "Ted," Seth MacFarlane's directional debut. Monday, they shot a few romantic scenes on the Swan Boats. I unfortunately had to work during the actual filming although it would have been pretty cool to see them riding the same Swan Boats I took my mother on theday before for Mother's Day. After getting out of work around 6, however, I decided to go out of my way a bit and walk to the Park Street MBTA station which would take me by the Gardens. Low and behold, I was walking by the Common where all the trailers were lined up as a large man walked out of a trailer. From my experience I knew that a celebrity had to be following such a large fellow. Then emerges Mr. Mark Wahlberg himself! I was on the phone with my mom at the time and was quick to hang up on her...not really hang up on her as I quickly uttered, "There's Marky Mark. Mom, I have to go." By this point in my life, such abrupt goodbye's are expected by my mom as she is well aware of my celebrity obsession. At this point, I would like to make it clear that I would never go out of my way for just any celebrity--just those that I am fans of. Back to my encounter. I walk brisklyover thinking that he is going to jump in a car and disappear and say, "Mark, I am a huge fan, could I please get a picture with you?" He had his iPhone headphones in but smiled and was like, "Sure." He placed his hand gently on my back and I did the same (it's always nice when celebs treat you like human beings rather than like disgusting objects who are simply there to disrupt their day). I asked him how shooting was going and he said it was going well. Meanwhile, I believe he was on the phone this whole time--woops. So it takes his body guard a few seconds to figure out how to take the picture and for those few seconds Mark and I simply held each other, haha. Overall, it was a quick encounter but a successful one nonetheless. Also I was coming from work in my business casual while he was in sweats so we made quite the odd couple:

Now don't get me wrong, Mark is one hot piece of ass. That said, Mila Kunis is breathtakingly gorgeous. Although I am straight I would rather the opportunity to interact with her than Mark. Plus she seems like a hilarious little hot shit. So I returned to the street where they were shooting Thursday night and Friday night. Mark always seems to be pretty serious. He'll look back and wave at the crowd but other than that he seems to be all about business. Takes his Caddy to and from set and stays only as long as necessary. Mila on the other hand seems to have a grand old time. She often dances around set, talking to all members of the cast and crew and just is always smiling. Now I don't know if she is dancing to stay warm but she is still dancing and laughing constantly. You can hear that unmistakable voice from miles away and her laughter is just contagious. Last night she even sang a bit for us while clapping and dancing. Like I said, hilarious hot little shit. Thursday night, I got a hello from her. She was walking briskly to her van and everyone was just watching in awe and I was the only one to have the balls to yell out her name. Filming was over for the night so I figured I could possibly get a picture with this extraordinary actress whom I have been a fan of since That 70's Show. I didn't get a picture as she seemed to be in a rush but she looked back and totally said hi to me and only me. I know I sound like a tool saying that but I swear she was saying it to me. Even my friends and all the onlookers agreed.

Last night, I returned to the set. Her "Hi" was like a tease--amazing but I still wanted a picture with her. Plus, I find watching them film just so amazing and magical--the lights, the complete silence while rolling, and just everything. I love seeing how it is all put together and how all strangers gather to just on-look as this magic is being made. I am an accountant so their job is super exciting to me. Once again, I headed over after work. By this point the crew is starting to recognize me. They now say hello to me. No matter what, I always remain respectful and follow the rules so I think the crew respects that. I am not a stalker and would never like run up to either Mark or Mila, or any celebrity, while they are working. I respect what they do and am just fascinated by it. I think I just have always secretly wanted to be in the movies. Again I digress. So Mila is dancing around as always talking to Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy). I can overhear parts of their conversation and Mila is arguing that he does not know women. Then magic happens. She tells him, very loudly I might add, that he can ask any woman in the crowd. Only about 20 of us where there at that point. Which is a relatively small crowd as by the end of the night, usually over 50 people have gathered to witness the magic. Mile sort of skips with Seth following behind right over to the group I was standing with (there were about 5 or so of us). She was like, "Alright, I have a question and only the ladies can answer. We are going to play something and you have to tell me where it was from." At this point she was maybe 4 feet away from me. I was in awe at her beauty and just contagious personality. In my head I was like, "Shit. She wants me to think right now and try to answer a question. I can't even utter a 'hello!'" Seth pulls out his phone and plays the Imperial March from Star Wars. Not only do I know the song from Star Wars but I had even played it in high school band (yes, I was a band geek). However, I could not utter even a sound. I stood there like a big goof. Most of us did but luckily, one girl was answered Star Wars making Mila very proud of the female population (I have read she is a tomboy into things like Star Trek so I am guessing she was trying to prove that other ladies are into the same). Seth was like "But how come all the other females are looking at me with puzzled stares?" In case you didn't catch on, I was very much a part of this group. He was quick to conclude, "they are probably just in shock over what is happening right now" to which we all nervously laughed back in complete agreement. Back to the director's tent they went and Mila looked back and politely thanked us to which we all yelled back "No, thank you for even talking to us!"

That said, not one of us took a picture or video or anything. But to be honest, it was much more civilized that way. We didn't want her to think of us as bothersome papparazzi-type fans but rather as cool people she could talk to. I guess I will have to return to the set next week...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ryan Gosling - 10/14/2010 - The Middle East - Cambridge, MA

Ever since I watched the Notebook for the first time, I have been in love with Ryan Gosling. Hearing him utter a few words like "if you're a bird, I'm a bird," made me seriously consider joining the avian species. So about a year ago, I heard that his band, "Dead Man's Bones" was coming to Massachusetts, more specifically, The Middle East in Cambridge. I thought that this would be an amazing chance for me to finally meet Noah. Not only was it a small venue but not many know that Ryan Gosling is musical or even has a band. It's not like the name of his band is Ryan Gosling and friends. I go to the show and watch him from a far as his hotness only increases--I am a sucker for musicians. Unfortunately, at the end of the show, he sticks around but in this blocked off area. I was determined, however, to meet him. So me and my two guy friends that I dragged along hang out at the bar upstairs keeping our eyes out for Mr. Gosling. Sure enough, about an hour or two of waiting around, we see him run up the stairs and run through the kitchen into the room next door. Sure enough, I have a surge of adrenaline and run right through the kitchen behind him. I first complimented him on his music. But I wanted to compliment him on a project that would make me stand out. I quickly recalled a movie that my boyfriend introduced me too called "The United States of Leland," staring the one and only Ryan Gosling. It is a really deep movie and somewhat disturbing but really good and really great acting. So I told him that it was one of my favorite movies and that he was amazing in it. He was quick to reply complete with that smirk I love so much, "Really? Thanks! I think you might have been the only person to see it." Success, not only did I compliment him on something unique but I got the smirk. Plus, I got a picture. Disclosure: I look like a deer in headlights. That said, I was in complete shock.
One of the places I have been lucky to run into celebrities is New York City. While I have gone to NYC a few times specifically to see celebrities in Broadway productions, some my best run-ins were completely unexpected. On one trip to the concrete jungle where dreams are made of, I noticed a small crowd gathering outside the entrance to the Lion King while in line getting tickets to a show later that night. I, always on the lookout for celebrities, immediately walked over to check it out. Sure enough, the stars of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants were upstairs filming TRL (RIP). While the Sisterhood movies are a tad corny, I am a huge fan of Blake Lively so I quickly joined the crowd and anxiously waited with my camera in one hand and a sheet of paper in the other for signatures. Sure enough, they stars arrived...where there are black escalades with tinted windows, there are often celebrities. Amber Tamblyn, America Ferrera, and Alexis Bledel all came down first.Amber and America went right to their SUVs with their heads down. Alexis looked and waived but seemed to be very timid.
And then Blake! Just as I imagined, not only was she gorgeous but she was extremely sweet and outgoing. She first stopped and posed for the photogs before heading to her SUV.
At that point, although I would have liked a signature or photo, I was extremely satisfied with this unexpected encounter. But to my surprise, Blake went to her SUV, put down her purse, before heading back to her fans awaiting on the side of the street. She only signed maybe 5 autographs but being a 5'10" blonde with long arms, I am usually lucky as I was that day. Love when celebrities take the time to acknowledge the fans!

Welcome to My Blog

After numerous encounters with celebrities, I have decided that it's time to start documenting my adventures. Something about seeing a celebrity in person gives me a huge adrenaline rush. I am not a stalker and would never put any one in danger, I just feel that it is an honor to meet these people whom I look up to, admire, and respect. I am mostly creating this blog for my own reflection. I would like to have one place to go and remember all of the celebrities I have met. That said, if you enjoy reading about my adventures, enjoy and feel free to comment!